
  1. hadn’t had, could have
  2. would you live, could live, would be
  3. had know, would have stayed
  4. could choose, would have
  5. had spent, would have passed
  6. would you do, were, were, would talk
  1. If I hadn’t missed the bus, I wouldn’t have been late for work.
  2. If you had gone to bed earlier, you wouldn’t feel tired now.
  3. If Alina were here, she could help us.
  4. If you hadn’t lost the key, we could get in the house.
  5. If Gaby had known about the meeting, she would have gone.
  6. If you listened, you would know what to do.
  7. If I had your number, I could call you.
  8. If the internet worked, I could send them the photos.

Sleeping problems: Insomnia and how to get a good sleep

For me, personally, sleeping at this age is much easier than at the time I was younger. Now I can easily get a quick, peaceful sleep, while back then I would lie on my bed for hours, thinking about falling asleep, focusing my mind on different meaningless things. But now, I’m mostly being very much tired from the day’s works and my overly tight schedule, so it’s really easy for me to fall asleep. I have one problem at this age, though, which I, obviously, didn’t have back then, is the lack of sleep. Especially during the workdays, I sleep maximum 5 hours and can’t get enough sleep at night. The odd thing is that I don’t have an insomnia, but it’s the lack of sleep that I’m having basically every night.

For the people who find it hard to fall asleep, I suggest having a pre-sleep meditation, also get rid of all the lights in the bedroom, make your bed cozy and comfortable and empty your mind from every possible thought and idea that can disturb your sleep. Just empty your mind, don’t even focus on anything, and feel your mind and body slowly falling into asleep.

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